
2023 Associate Professor

University of Warwick, School of Law, UK

2020 Assistant Professor

University of Warwick, School of Law, UK

2016-9 Lecturer

Rutgers University, Department of Latino and Caribbean Studies, USA

2015-6 Teacher-Scholar Fellow

Rutgers Newark, Program in Women’s Studies, USA

2010-4 Instructor

Rutgers University, Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, USA


2017 Ph.D. Rutgers University, Women’s and Gender Studies (USA)

Dissertation: No Human Being is Illegal: Decolonial Feminisms and Immigrants’ Rights Grassroots Organizing in New Jersey

2010 M.Sc. London School of Economics, Gender and Social Policy (UK)

Thesis: Arizona’s Senate Bill 1070 and Production/Reproduction Maintenance: Female Undocumented Latinas’ Access to Health Care in the State of Arizona

2009 Diplôme. Sorbonne University, French Language and Literature (France)

2008 Abogada [Lawyer]. Los Andes University (Colombia)

Honors Thesis: A Gender Analysis of Constitutional Jurisprudence: The Violation of the Right to Education for Pregnant Low-Income Students (coauthored with María de Pilar Carmona Suárez)

2008 B.A. Los Andes University, Political Science (Colombia)

Honors & Grants 

2020-4 Legal Research Fund Grant, University of Warwick, UK

2021 New Jersey Arts and Culture Recovery Grant (with Lazos América Unida). Princeton Area Community Foundation, USA 

2020 Global Challenges Research Fund Grant (with Celine Tan). University of Warwick, UK

2019 Andrés Torres Paper Series Award. Mauricio Gastón Institute for Latino Community Development & Public Policy, University of Massachusetts-Boston, USA

2015 Dissertation Teaching Award. Rutgers University, USA

2014 Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student Award. Rutgers University, USA

2013 Cultural Anthropology Research Grant (with Daniel M. Goldstein). National Science Foundation, USA

2009 Colfuturo Scholarship for Studies Abroad, Colombian Government, Colombia

2008 Ciro Angarita Scholarship. Los Andes University School of Law, Colombia

2006,7 Uniandinos Scholarship. Los Andes University Alumni Association, Colombia

Community Work

2016- Member. Lazos América Unida, NJ, USA

2024 Outreach Consultant. Migrants’ Rights Network. London, UK

2011-5 Member. Casa Hometown, NJ, USA

Selected Publications

2024 Quach, Peter & Carolina Alonso Bejarano. If We Survive the Future—Graphic Novel Preview. Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH). University of Cambridge, UK

2024 Soderling, Stina & Carolina Alonso Bejarano. “Challenges and Joys of Collaborative Autoethnography: Researching Grading Practices in Higher Education” in SAGE Research Methods: Diversifying and Decolonizing Research. London: SAGE Publications

2024 Mijangos García, Mirian A. & Carolina Alonso Bejarano. “Afterword” in Accompaniment with Im/migrant Communities: Engaged Ethnography (iii-vi). Kristine Elizabeth Yarris & Whitney L. Duncan (eds.). Tucson: The University of Arizona Press

2023 Alonso Bejarano, Carolina. “Theater as Ethnographic Method” in The Handbook of Teaching Qualitative and Mixed Research Methods (171-6). Alissa Ruth, Amber Wutich & H. Russell Bernard (eds.). London: Routledge

2023 Quach, Peter & Carolina Alonso Bejarano. “Business, pleasure, an unsatisfying combination of both?” (cartoon), The New Yorker, December 11

2023 Alonso Bejarano, Carolina. “Common Fantasy.” Guest Edition by Oscar Guardiola-Rivera, The Forensic and the Fantastic: Latinx Writers in the UK. WritersMosaic

2023 Alonso Bejarano, Carolina. “From the ‘Field’ to the Stage: A Story of Migration” in Migrant Scholars Researching Migration: Reflexivity, Subjectivity and Biographical Research (175-85). Marco Gemignani, Yolanda Hernández-Albújar & Jana Sládková (eds.). London: Routledge

2022 Cornell, Drucilla & Carolina Alonso Bejarano. “In response to the US Supreme Court draft decision overturning Roe v. Wade.” Critical Legal Thinking

2021 Alonso Bejarano, Carolina. “Art and Resistance in the Garden State.” Border Criminologies

2021 Alonso Bejarano, Carolina. “Law at the Intersection” in Critical Legal Pocketbook (151-9). Illan rua Wall, Freya Middleton, Sahar Shah & CLAW (eds.). Oxford: Counterpress

2021 Alonso Bejarano, Carolina & Stina Soderling. “Against Grading: Feminist Studies beyond the Neoliberal University.” Feminist Formations 33 (2): 208-232

2020 Carmona Suárez, María del Pilar & Carolina Alonso Bejarano. “¿Mínimo vital para las mujeres que decidan conservar su embarazo resultado de una violación? Reflexiones sobre la justicia reproductiva en Colombia [“Financial Aid for Raped Women Who Keep Their Pregnancy? A Reflection on Reproductive Justice in Colombia”]. AlCentro

2019 Alonso Bejarano, Carolina, Lucia López Juárez, Mirian A. Mijangos García & Daniel M. Goldstein. Decolonizing Ethnography: Undocumented Immigrants and New Directions in Social Science. Durham: Duke University Press 

2018 Quach, Peter & Carolina Alonso Bejarano. “Pinan” (comic), The Believer No. 121. Also in Spanish in Revista BLAST (2021)

2018 Alonso Bejarano, Carolina. “The Combahee River Collective in the Black Power Movement” in Black Power Encyclopedia: From “Black is Beautiful” to Urban Uprisings (270-4). Akinyele Umoja, Karin L. Stanford & Jasmin A. Young (eds.). Santa Barbara: Greenwood 

2017 Goldstein, Daniel M. & Carolina Alonso-Bejarano. “E-Terrify: Securitized Immigration and Biometric Surveillance in the Workplace.” Human Organization 76: 1, 1-14

2016 Alonso Bejarano, Carolina & Kim LeMoon. “Aileen Clarke Hernandez: Advocate for Black Women’s Leadership” in Junctures in Women’s Leadership: Social Movements (60-81). Mary K. Trigg & Alison R. Bernstein (eds.). New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press

2014 Rutgers Graduate Organizing Committee. “Rutgers, Corporatization and the Lack of Democracy in Public Universities.” Jadaliyya 

2014 Ríos, Mónica, Carolina Alonso Bejarano, Carlos Labbé & Peter Quach (eds.) Not in Our Name: Against U.S. Aid to the Massacre in Gaza. New York-Santiago: Sangría Editora

2014- C.A.B. & Peter Quach. Gumdrops (serial webcomic)


2024 Alonso Bejarano, Carolina & Peter Quach. “Engaging with coloniality through alternative and decolonial methodologies.” Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH). University of Cambridge, UK

2024 Alonso Bejarano, Carolina & Peter Quach. “Comics and International Justice” in Aesthetics and Counter-Aesthetics of International Justice. Christine Schwöbel-Patel & Robert Knox (eds.). Oxford: Counterpress

2019 Alonso Bejarano, Carolina. “Decolonizing Ethnography: Undocumented Immigrants and New Directions in Social Science” in New Books Network

2019 Alonso Bejarano, Carolina & Peter Quach. “The Process of Making Comics” in The Believer


2021 Research and Academic Committee. Ruptures21. Informality in Times of Covid-19. Also available in Spanish

Selected Translations 

2022 Lozano, Betty Ruth. “The Killing of Women and Global Accumulation: The Case of Bello Puerto del Mar Mi Buenaventura” in Decolonial Feminism in Abya Yala: Caribbean, Meso and South American Contributions and Challenges. María Lugones, Yuderkys Espinosa Miñoso & Nelson Maldonado-Torres (eds.). Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers 

Workshop & Conference Organization

2024 Imagining a Post-Patriarchal World: Storytelling, Comics and Collaboration. Feminism in Action Workshop Series. Hamilton College, USA

2022 Responses to Coloniality. School of Law, University of Warwick, UK

2021 Against Grading. Levitt Center, Hamilton College, USA

2021 Against the Military Industrial Complex. School of Law, University of Warwick, UK

2020 The Role of Race in the Legal System. School of Law, University of Warwick, UK

2017,9 Teaching Against the Grain: Education for Liberation. Rutgers Graduate Organizing Committee. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA

2017 AFEST –Conference of Latin American Female Writers in New York. Instituto Cervantes, New York City, USA

2016 RU Activist? Center for Race and Ethnicity. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA

2016 The Future of Graduate Student Organizing. American Association of University Professors (AAUP). Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA

2015 Undocumented/Unafraid (play). Casa Hometown, USA

2015 Human Futures. Department of Women’s and Gender Studies & Department of American Studies. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA

2014 Undocumented/Unafraid: Stopping Obama’s Deportation Machine. Rutgers Center for Latin American Studies, Unidad Latina en Acción & Casa Hometown. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA


2017,9,24 Witnessing Social Change: An Alternative Spring Break in the Dominican Republic. Center for Latino Arts and Culture & Department of Latino and Caribbean Studies, Rutgers University, USA

2021- Distinguished Teaching Faculty. National Science Foundation Cultural Anthropology Methods Program. National Science Foundation, USA

2021-3 Issues in the Legal History of Race. School of Law, University of Warwick, UK

2022-3 Understanding Law in Context. School of Law, University of Warwick, UK

2020-2 Legal Theory. School of Law, University of Warwick, UK

2020,2 Gender and the Law. School of Law, University of Warwick, UK

2018-9 Latinx Feminisms. Department of Latino and Caribbean Studies, Rutgers University, USA 

2016-9 Introduction to Latino Studies. Department of Latino and Caribbean Studies, Rutgers University, USA

2016-9 Latinos and Community. Department of Latino and Caribbean Studies, Rutgers University, USA

2017 Art and Resistance in the Trump Era. Department of Latino and Caribbean Studies, Rutgers University, USA

2016 Introduction to Gender, Race and Sexuality. Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, Rutgers University, USA

2016 Decolonial New Jersey: Feminism, Citizenship and Immigration in the Garden State. Program in Women’s Studies, Rutgers Newark, USA 

2015-6 Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies. Program in Women’s Studies, Rutgers Newark, USA 

2015 Decolonial Feminisms from the Americas. Program in Women’s Studies, Rutgers Newark, USA 

2014 Producing Identity: Decolonial Perspectives from the Americas. Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, Rutgers University, USA

2013 Gender, Culture and Representation. Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, Rutgers University, USA

2011-5 Women, Culture, and Society. Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, Rutgers University, USA 

2011-2 War: Critical Perspectives. Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, Rutgers University, USA

2010-1 Immigrant States: Jersey’s Global Routes. Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, Rutgers University, USA

Selected Invited Presentations & Exhibitions

2024 “Decolonizing Ethnography.” National Science Foundation Cultural Anthropology Methods Program (CAMP). National Science Foundation and Arizona State University, USA

2024 “If We Survive the Future” (art exhibit). Debordering futures: racial capitalism, coloniality and migrant justice. University of Cambridge, UK

2024 “Collective Theater and Anti-Colonial Ethnography.” Debordering futures: racial capitalism, coloniality and migrant justice. University of Cambridge, UK

2024 Master-class leader and invited speaker. Scottish Training in Anthropological Research (STAR 2) Advanced (Post-Fieldwork) Course. Glenesk, UK

2024 “Pinan” (art exhibit). Aesthetics and Counter-Aesthetics of International Justice book launch. University of Cambridge, UK

2024 “Art and Research.” LSE Gender Institute 30th Anniversary Alumni Panel. London School of Economics, UK

2023 “Decolonising Methods in the Social Sciences.” Art, Design and Architecture Antiracism Collective Seminar Series. University of New South Wales, Australia

2023 “‘UnREFble’ Work: My Magical Coalition Essay.” Law Feminist Solidarity Network. Juristische Fakultät, Humboldt University, Germany

2023 “Coloniality and Global Health.” Meet the Global Health Pioneer Series. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2022 Keynote Lecture, Symposium on Decolonizing Global Health: “From the ‘Field’ to the Stage.” School of Global Health, University of Maastricht, The Netherlands

2022 “Telling Stories.” Langues Etrangères Appliquées, Université Paris 8 in Saint-Dénis, France

2022 “Decolonizing Methods.” Department of Anthropology, University of Delaware, USA

2022 “Collaborations among Women Researching Migration.” Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, Hamilton College, USA

2022 “Decolonizing Ethnography: Immigrants’ Rights and Social Science Research.” Program in Latin American Studies. Princeton University, USA

2022 “Alternative Career Pathways.” Warwick Women’s Summit, University of Warwick Student Union, UK

2022 “Art as Method.” Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning, University of Warwick, UK

2021 “Art and Human Rights.” School of Law, Birkbeck University of London, UK

2021 “Against Grading” with Stina Soderling. Warwick Center for Critical Legal Studies, University of Warwick, UK

2021 Artist Talk and DJ Set. BRIC, USA

2021 “UndocuArtivism: Art and Resistance in Pandemic Times.” Department of Sociology and Anthropology, North Dakota State University, USA

2021 “Decolonizing Ethnography.” The Ethnography Circle. University of Warwick IKON Research Unit, UK

2020 “‘Magical’ Coalition in a New Jersey Town: Solidarity and Immigrants’ Rights.” Andrés Torres Paper Series Award Speaker Series, Mauricio Gastón Institute for Latino Community Development & Public Policy, University of Massachusetts-Boston, USA

2019 “Community Theater and Collaborative Writing.” Department of Asian American Studies, University of California Davis, Davis, USA 

2019 Book launch for Decolonizing Ethnography: Undocumented Immigrants and New Directions in Social Science. Bluestockings Bookstore Cafe and Activist Center, New York City, USA

2019 “Hacia una etnografía feminista descolonial de la migración sin documentos” [Toward a Feminist Decolonial Ethnography of Undocumented Migration]. Institute of Gender and Law, Los Andes University, Bogota, Colombia 

2018 “Independent Radical Publishing: The Case of Sangría Editora.” Seminar, Revolution by the Book: Design, Politics and Action. Department of Art, Media & Technology. Parsons School of Design, New York City, USA

2018 Panel discussant. “Fleshy Methods, Fleshy Subjectivities.” Bodies of Power/Theory in the Flesh. Rutgers Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, New Brunswick, USA

2017 “Native Roots, Colonial Routes: Freehold Tenure and Anti-immigration Ordinances in New Jersey.” Immigrant States, New Jersey Routes. Rutgers Department of Latino and Caribbean Studies, New Brunswick, USA

2017 “A Grassroots Approach to Ethnography.” Neoliberalism: Spaces of Contention. Rutgers Centers for Global Advancement and International Affairs, New Brunswick, USA 

2017 “Thinking through Pedagogy of the Oppressed.” Teaching Against the Grain: On Radical Pedagogies. Rutgers Graduate Organizing Committee, New Brunswick, USA

2016 “Rutgers University and the American Colonization Society.” Rutgers Student Association Reclaim Revolution Teach-in Series: Rutgers’ Colonial Legacy and History of Activism, New Brunswick, USA

2016 Chair. Book launch for The Spirit of Revolution: Beyond the Dead Ends of Man by Drucilla Cornell and Stephen D. Seely, featuring Hamid Dabashi, Jane Gordon, Paget Henry, David Richards and Avital Ronell. Book Culture, New York City, USA 

2015 Film discussion. “Peril and Promise (1980 - 2000).” Latino Americans: 500 Years of History Project. New Brunswick Public Library, New Brunswick, USA

2015 “E-Terrify: Securitized Immigration, Biometric Surveillance, and the Non-Citizen Subject.” Seminar on Evidentiary Regimes and Development Theory. Anthropology Department, Princeton University, Princeton, USA

2015 “Notes from the Field: Undocumented Immigration in Hometown, New Jersey.” Seminar on the Anthropology of Law. Anthropology Department, Princeton University, Princeton, USA

2015 “Human Rights and the Colombian Peace Process.” Center for International Studies. University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines

2015 “Colonial Times: Enslavement and Migration in New Jersey.” Rutgers Department of Women’s and Gender Studies’ Convivial Conversations Series, New Brunswick, USA

2015 “Rutgers Graduate Students United Against the Corporate University.” Rutgers Department of Women’s and Gender Studies’ Demystifying Academia Series, New Brunswick, USA

2012 “Feminist/Queer/Decolonial Commons.” Making Worlds: Forum on the Commons, Brooklyn, USA

2012 “U.S. Third World Feminism: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.” Rutgers University Latin American Womxn’s Organization, New Brunswick, USA 

2008 “El derecho a la educación de la estudiante embarazada en Colombia” [The Right to Education of Pregnant Students in Colombia]. Institute of Gender and Law, Los Andes University, Bogota, Colombia.