Since 2014 Carolina writes the serial webcomic Gumdrops with artist Peter Quach about their life in New York City. In 2022, Revisita BLAST started posting a Spanish translation of Gumdrops, “Gomitas.”

Pinan is a collaboration between Carolina and cartoonist Peter Quach that deals with the scars that linger from sexual violence. In the story, a Colombian from Chicago attains a brown belt in karate in order to cope with a sexual assault, and then she tentatively re-enters the online dating world. Pinan was originally published in English by The Believer in 2018, and translated to Spanish for Revista BLAST in 2021. You can read an interview with Peter and Carolina about making the comic.

Carolina and Peter Quach write cartoons together. In 2023 The New Yorker published one of their cartoons for the first time.  

Carolina occasionally co-writes Peter Quach’s serial webcomic, But By Laughter.

If We Survive the Future is a graphic novel in the making by Carolina and Peter Quach that follows a young, intercultural couple living in New York as they navigate polyamory, mental illness and intergenerational trauma. You can see a preview from Chapter One of the graphic novel.

